Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ask Yourself 3 Questions

Peer Mediation skills

Tracking Automatic Thoughts

ABC of Cognitive thinking skills

SEE K.C. in Children's story section to help your child understand the ABC concept and construct an ABC Journal for understanding his emotions.

ABCD of Cognitive thinking skills

ABCDE is a more complete workout. This helps you D dispute the irrational emotion, and E choose a more rational one that will help you deal with the actual issue.

Feeling Vocaulary II

Feeling Vocaulary I

Anger work sheet ABC

Keeping a work sheet on hand when first learning to record ABC analysis of feelings is helpful. This is one I created for adolescent clients. Using three column table:

A What happened B What do I believe about what happened C consequesntial emotion

Pre school children can use ABC in an age appropriate manner.

Then you can add columns D and E. By second grade, children should be using D and E.

D = Disputing irrational belief or thought
E = Using your skills to choose a more rational emotion.

Mazlow hierarchy of needs

catastrophic thinking chart

boy paper doll with emotion faces

Use an extra hard lamination for the dolls and faces after printing and coloring dolls. Keep handy to help youngsters express their feelings, and to role play emotional situations.

girl paper doll with emotion faces

Use an extra hard lamination for the dolls and faces after printing and coloring dolls. Keep handy to help youngsters express their feelings, and to role play emotional situations.

"How are You Feeling?" chart

Keep this "How are You Feeling?" chart handy to help youngsters express their feelings, and to role play emotional situations. Print small copies to laminate into their notebooks, journals and scriptues.